Writing a case study essay
Paper Topics For Euthyphro
Monday, August 24, 2020
Literature Review and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Writing Review and Report - Essay Example Progression arranging is a procedure of recognizing and creating individuals from inside the association with the possibility to fill key administration positions in the organization. It builds the accessibility of experienced and proficient workers that are set up to expect these jobs as they become accessible. It is currently joined with authority preparing and the procedures together are basic for the working of an association. There are a lot of points of interest of topping off the situations with existing representatives, for example, they are as of now acquainted with the qualities and the techniques for working of the association, the individuals of the association definitely know them and therefore it will be simpler for them to fit in. Likewise, giving individuals such an open door guarantees, that they will make a solid effort to get prepared and grew with the goal that they can fill in the hole required and focus on an advancement. Utilizing inward workers likewise assist s cut with bringing down on costs that would come up from the persevering head chasing exercises for filling in a high post and gives out the message to the representatives that the association is intently weave and would prefer to give them the open doors first. Writing ARGUMENTS: Succession Planning Succession arranging assumes a significant job in recovering an organization's authority, however regularly, the guarantees of customary progression arranging are not conveyed. The entire motivation behind progression arranging in an association, as indicated by Leibman, Bruer and Maki (1996), is to build up a solid chief, not pick, yet create. This is on the grounds that each association has various necessities and prerequisites from their pioneer. Allio (2007) demands that it is important to deliberately construct solid authority groups in an association, to meet these prerequisites. He talks about the significance of having great pioneers in an association and the impacts that rebel chief can have. Barsh, Capozzi and Davidson (2008) then again talk about the significance of the coordination of development into the key administration of the association. Leibman, Bruer and Maki (1996) expound on the components that assume unmistakable jobs in the improvement of these administration groups. One of them is non segregating employing, which has prompted work places being increasingly various, regarding sex, strict foundation, age gathering and ethnicities, all attempting to adjust home and work, to add to a superior way of life for the whole family. Along these lines, with expanding assorted variety in the workforce, it is basic that this factor be considered in the administration advancement projects of associations. Their examination has demonstrated that to accomplish better outcomes and higher efficiency, companies have started to make changes in their structures. Allio (2007) adds to this view by expressing, tall associations are out, clearing a path for a prog ressively indulgent, level structure that gives individuals more prominent position and responsibility, yet additionally diminishes mayhem in the association and empowers collaborations. This further adds to the emphasis on planning administration group, as opposed to people. Likewise, having a group gives an association more choices and perspectives. Barsh, Capozzi and Davidson (2008) gives an extra point of view that, this somehow or another settles on the dynamic procedure progressively proficient, if difficult, for the straightforward explanation that more than one supposition is considered
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Performance Management
Question: Talk about the Performance Management. Answer: Presentation: Human asset the board suggestions allude to the capacities to which the associations intended to boost representative execution in administration of a laborers key objectives. it halfway worries with the organization of people inside associations accentuating on strategies and frameworks. Execution Management essentially centers around the satisfaction of the association, segments of the association, laborers, and the whole procedure of making merchandise and ventures. Execution the board incorporates exercises that ensure all objectives and targets reliably met in a capability and operational manner(Nielson, 2012). The use of the procedure is utilized generally in the working environment, spot of cooperation, for example, schools, get-togethers, and political gatherings. In this conversation, execution the executives will essentially preface on the human asset the board suggestions. The reason for the presentation the executives around there is to manufacture a vital and consolidate d way to deal with improving the adequacy of association (Bartel, 2014). The improvement of the satisfaction of the representatives by building up the skills of groups and laborers patrons. The exhibition of Human Resource Management suggestions gets laborers to settle down the individual targets with association objectives consequently up flooding profitability of an association. One of the essential job and objectives of human asset the board is to improve the presentation the executives of the association. The investigation will center the general changes in the workforce; the paper will focus on the connection between execution the executives and ramifications of human asset management(Bakker, 2014). The investigation will give clear information access over the associations. For a group to stay an upper hand, they ought to apply vital human asset rehearses. Be that as it may, execution isn't actually the idea to be characterized and guessed rapidly. Along these lines, it is fitting to utilize results as opposed to execution. They are discernable by the budgetary outcomes, that is, benefits made, net edge and market stake. Besides, the authoritative outcomes which incorporate profitability, quality viability, and clients delight. At last, the differentiation can be controlled by human asset results. They include laborers demeanor and conduct towards the org anization.(Dess, 2009) By and large, the article will give an exhaustive foundation on the connection between human asset the executives and execution the board in associations. Next, the investigation will build up the a portion of the theories. From that point onward, the methodologies and advantages of on human asset the board suggestions on execution the executives. This paper closes with an end and suggestions. Advantages of execution the board on Human Resource Management In human asset the executives, execution the board helps in overseeing laborers. The control of workers is done through execution framework and associate their goals offices. Moreover, this adds to the genuine conveyance of approach and working goal(Miles, 2014). Used to prepare workers. Then again, execution the executives fuses programming instead of spreadsheet based chronicle framework. The operational move may convey a generous degree of profitability by means of immediate or aberrant deal points of interest, and useful viability. The advantages may remember diminishing expenses for the association help connecting the organizations objectives with those of the chiefs. HRM suggestion on execution the board serves to diminishes the time taken to fabricate arranged or operational changes. This is affected by working together the progressions over another arrangement of targets and goals(S, 2009). The ramifications of human asset the board on the persuaded workforce. It advances motivating force methodologies to proper points and focuses for accomplishment. Workforce improves laborers commitment. Everybody become more acquainted with one another, and the commitment each make towards accomplishing the associations objectives (Bartel, 2014). The job of execution the executives activates the HRM in upgrading the board control. It improves coordinated effort of arranging destinations, help in review and conforming to arrangement prerequisites, and upgrading adaptable, congenial to association needs(Borril, 2012). Hypothetical viewpoint on HRM and execution Possibility hypothesis. The hypothesis hypothesizes that human asset the executives technique would of high effect just if fittingly consolidated with a specific hierarchical and business natural setting. Thus, the associations that intently cooperate their business and human asset the board techniques have the best execution results. As opposed to the gatherings which have separate approaches. Despite the vital methodology being applied to any association, the specialists propose a few forceful methodologies. They incorporate business technique with the client of HRM approach safeguard association procedure with gatherer HRM system and analyzer firm strategy implementer HRM plan(RK, 2014). Asset based view. Asset based view results to dynamic perspective from outer in to an inner out methodology. From the emphasis on the outside organization based serious issues to private methods underscoring powerful and effective activity. The hypothesis gives an incredible and basic hypothetical avocation for human asset imminent obligation. Albeit as indicated by that angle, contrasts in hierarchical execution can be licensed to sole methods and skills instead of the businesss basic segments. In HRM setting, the particular of inconsistently relies upon the activity pools heterogeneity and is regarding the model of asset explicitness and work deftness. By the by, within in assets makes the fundamental point for scholarly association accomplishment. AMO system. In the HRM fields, the researchers hypothesize three driving autonomous work framework components that shape laborers and the whole association and consequently add to the achievement of the group. They incorporate a procedure to guarantee the laborer has reasonable abilities and aptitudes. Prologue to stimulate and urge the staffs to participate in great practices. At last, the frameworks of work that thought process representatives to take an interest their own and aggregate endeavors with respect to hierarchical results. The association has begun to adjust this component in measuring the presentation of the worker. The determinant of return incorporates representatives accomplishing work since they have the information and aptitudes and capacities (An Abilities). The representatives will do the laborers since they need to and are satisfactorily boosted (M-Motivations). They additionally guarantee their work environment condition offers the significant help and channels for articul ation (O-openings). The three hypotheses repeat the investigation of human asset at the hierarchical level and are significantly associated with its exhibition impacts from an association viewpoint. The three hypotheses center around the focal presumptions behind the conceptualization of characterizing HRM and its job. In any case, the negligible truth on the three most common techniques is recognized in connecting the HRM and execution. Nexus between Human Resource Management and Performance Outcomes Despite the fact that the essential focal point of HRM is intended to improve the exhibition of an association, there are no unequivocal concession to the idea of human asset the board. The entire procedure of HRM is notable as a lot of laborers the executives exercises. Notwithstanding, there is no assent rundown of human asset exercises that quantify or portray human asset the executives. In the mean time for HR to work in an unexpected way, it needs cautious thoughtfulness regarding human asset the executives suggestions. The extraordinary inquiry is the way we can accomplish the more noteworthy impact on execution increase(Taris TW., 2015). The reasonable reaction to this worry relies upon breadth, inevitability or the configurationally measurements. Receiving an exhaustiveness approach, there are sure HRM ramifications with best capacity to increase a positive effect on execution paying little heed to the situation. The configurationally structure propose that the mix of HRM sug gestions is the impact that drives execution subsequently HR work in an unexpected way. At long last, possibility milieu request to offer a response in regards to the conditions that will be increasingly productive. Despite the distinction structure, they have an attachment wherein HRM is operationalized while grabbing the nexus between the two. It is extremely basic to look at the HRM and execution the executives Nexus, however it ought to be realized that some vagary exits attempting to effortlessness and characterize the exhibition measures. For HR to work in an unexpected way, also the presentation results differs. They fluctuate into closeness to laborers commitments or level of blend in which they are resolved. The second incorporate the important investor's group of core interest. Right now, the essential center lies in the principal closeness to the laborers' contribution(Bosilie, 2012). The potential proportions of HRM suggestions and the HR to work in an unexpected way, we layout three phases of results Human asset related outcomes. They incorporate recognizing observation and quantifiable HRN results. For instance, full of feeling, subjective and conduct responses. Association execution results. They incorporate the profitability, quality and adequacy of the association, and Monetary execution in which they include benefit, deals, and ROI Individuals the board establishments A deliberate assessment of the firm recommend that be an adjustment in its system and structure be corresponding to the adjustments in the method of controlling the workers. For instance, the improvement of authoritative structures has consistently prompted the ways of an administrative calling. Increasingly certain cases, welcome on board the better approaches for the association
Friday, July 17, 2020
Long, Stephen Harriman
Long, Stephen Harriman Long, Stephen Harriman, 1784â€"1864, American explorer, b. Hopkinton, N.H. As an army engineer, Long was sent on several exploring and surveying expeditions. The first in 1817 was to the region of the upper Mississippi and the Fox-Wisconsin portage; it is recorded in his Voyage in a Six-oared Skiff to the Falls of St. Anthony (1860). A journey to the Rocky Mts. in 1819â€"20 provided much new knowledge of the mountains. He climbed several peaks, including Long's Peak, and explored the regions of the Platte and Arkansas rivers. Edwin James's Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains (2 vol. and an atlas, 1822â€"23) tells of that journey. In 1823, Long led an expedition to determine the source of the Minnesota River and to study the United Statesâ€"Canadian boundary W of the Great Lakes. Some of his notes were used in W. H. Keating's Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter's River (1824). Chosen to select a route for the Baltimore and Ohio RR, he made a survey that resulted in an authoritative railroad manual, with tables of grades and curves. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Comparison Of Christianity And Judaism - 743 Words
Across the world, there are varied belief systems that have been formed. As many people may know these belief systems are unique in, multiple ways, one being what they believe in and how they worship, or even where their religion was originated and how far it has spread. These systems may be diverse in how they lecture and which God they have trusted, but believe it or not they acquire multiple similarities. An example that all these belief systems share is that they all have had an impact on the lives and ways of the people also known as the followers. Two belief systems that I believe are most dominant is Christianity and Judaism. Christianity is by far one of the very most beloved belief systems in the world. Christianity was†¦show more content†¦Also, polygamy which was the practice of marrying multiple spouses. Additionally, human rights meant that all men were created equal in the image of God. (regentsprep.com) Judaism is another important belief systems. Judaism w as founded by Abraham son of Terah, which Jews believe that he was in a high position of respect Judaism emerged in the middle east around Israel, around 3500 years ago. Judaism consists of many different beliefs and teachings. Two of these principles are the belief in one god and they believed that their life would never end. In other words, They believed in one god by the name of Tetrammation or Hashem. Jews also believed that he was the highest god and that he was considered very serious and powerful. Additionally, When Jews believed that their life would never end they meant that when they would die they would not go to heaven or hell because they did not believe in that. As a matter of fact they believed that they would all go to where mosses and Rabbi Akiva gave constant and everlasting classes of the Bible, and they would get eternal bliss. All of these belief systems have lasting impact, Judaism’s impact is just as interesting. The influential impacts included Monothe ism, the weekend, Census, and many more. Moreover, the way monotheism was an impact because of jews by introduces the powerful nation of one god. Also, the Torah provided the teaching that the world was created for a purpose. Additionally, as mentioned, Judaism gave theShow MoreRelatedComparison between Judaism and Christianity700 Words  | 3 Pages Comparison between Judaism and Christianity Name Institution â€Æ' Christianity and Judaism are two religions which share an origin. Abraham is the father of faith of both Christians and Judaists. The two religions are based on the Old Testament; however, Judaism has refused to acknowledge the New Testament. It is said that is a Judaist accepts Christianity, and then become complete. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership Skills For A Effective Leader - 1840 Words
Introduction Throughout the past several weeks I have learned so much more about myself, and have gained a more insightful meaning of what is needed in order to be an effective leader. As a Non Commissioned Officer within the United States Army, who is charged with the defense, and the production of our nation finest, the phrase â€Å"no one is more professional than I†, must not be taken lightly. Additionally, I have long pledged, that in order not become like the toxic leadership once appointed over me, to seek out any valuable information that will aid in the strengthening of my leadership abilities. The development of leadership skills â€Å"give people the capacity to influence others, and are a critical component in successful leadership†(Northouse, 2015). Therefore, gaining a better understanding of how to properly teach, coach, and lead, will not only help me in my conquest in becoming an excellent NCO, but also support my becoming of a better person. 1. Leadership Vision As a father, husband, and a senior Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) within the United States Army, I have long been regarded by my family and friends as being a protector, and an instiller of standards and discipline. Never had I envisioned myself as a leader, nonetheless, a decorated combat veteran, but this was an image that was bestowed upon me after having served four combat deployments and sixteen years of active duty service. After enlisting in the Army May 10th, 2000, it quickly became apparent thatShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of The Leadership Skill And Identifies It As An Effective Leader1419 Words  | 6 Pagesimportance the leadership skill and identifies it as the most sustainable competitive edge in a progressively more competitive and boundary less business world (Hoch and Dulebohn, 2013). 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How can reflective writing bring past events back into focus Free Essays
Introduction A reflective thought is an â€Å"active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends†(Dewey, 1933). I would say that reflective writing focuses on bringing past events back into focus, and is a chance to see if you would do anything different. An effective presentation has two main key aspects of communication verbal and non-verbal, Sharma (2004) states that a person who is not talking expresses communication through body language. We will write a custom essay sample on How can reflective writing bring past events back into focus? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Furthermore, Rogers (2009) explains that our strongest impressions of a speaker are often visual impressions, a gesture, intended or not is apt to have as great an effect on listeners as the word you are speaking. In regard to the consultancy case it was vital to pay attention to what the client, defined by Weiss (2003:7) a client can be an individual or organisation that engages a consultant to achieve certain results’, had stated and whilst during the interview not to press so hard on issues that had already been stated. During the presentation it is important to pay attention the client’s body language such as relaxed facial expressions and tone of voice to determine interest. Gestures also keep the client engaged Rogers (2009) suggests that ‘movement gives the audience the impression that you are talking with them and rather than at them’. I was not able to attend the first initial contact with the client which was the interview due to medical reasons; however the other members of the consultancy firm, with permission, were able to record the meeting. I was then able to listen to the interview to gain an understanding of what was asked and the response. Weiss (2003) introduces the 10 traits of a consultant; Weiss also describes communication as influence â€Å"effective use of language influences a discussion†. I believe that Rogers theory (2009) of a speaker emphasizes important words and ideas by speaking louder or by repeating a key concept became evident when a member of the team asked ‘what is your customer base’ the client’s response was that ‘we have loyal customers, mostly repeat customers, new customers hear from loyal customers by word of mouth, our customers are very loyal’. My initial contact with the client was during the presentation, this was when the client met the whole of the team for the first time and for the team to make a good first impression. According to Ambady Skowronski (2008) exposure for a few seconds produces the first impression, which is normally very accurate. Body language is key to a good first impression Taylor (2005) expresses that the use of tone and gestures should be used to reinforce words. I believe that my presentation skills need a great deal of improvement as I get nervous and start to repeat what I have already said and not making sense. Levin Topping (2006) suggest a number of methods which could b used to combat nerves, in the future I will take these into consideration. Mandel (2000) defines 3 statements for planning a successful presentation. Through my experience at giving presentations the use of this would have been very helpful. In the future I will focus more on preparation as this could easy the nerves which show through my body language, as once the presentation starts it is difficult to fix non-verbal behaviour Rogers (2009). I enjoyed learning the module. At first I was not too sure about what the module entailed, progressing through the week I found the topics covered interesting, for instance I knew that a person is judged on appearance and body language on the first impression, but I did not know that it only took a person less than a minute for form an opinion which is usually correct. I liked the learning style in the workshops as I find it easier to learn something by first seeing then doing and then asking questions if I need to, this was all done in the tutorial workshops. Kolb’s learning theory (1984) also aided my learning to some extent. According to Parker (2008:13) teams are everywhere, in businesses, sport, education and the arts; of great importance in professional life, and that not all teams are effective. My initial thought about my selected group was that we could work well; we all seem to be aiming for a high grade. I previously knew one of the group members as we were working on other group work together, this made it easier to talk within the group. The group was solely formed for the purpose of completing the consultancy skills project. According to Business dictionary (2011) A team is defined as â€Å"a group of people with a set of complementary skills required in completing a task, job or project where the sum of performance is greater than performance of individual members†. I took the VARK learning style test it showed that I am a multimodal learner which took me by surprise as in past tests I have shown to be a kinaesthetic learner. When working I look at all possible options and eliminate inappropriate ones. I feel that I was not able to do this as things were rushed. All team members participated in a Belbin test and from the use of this we went through the development stages described by Tuckman (1965). The Belbin test helped to identify each members preferred roles. The team learnt to respect one another’s preferred working environments; essential within a team environment (Douglas 1978). The group was very understanding when I had to take time off for personal and health reasons as I gave dates for my absence when the group was formed. In the beginning the work was shared equally, however due to illness I could not participate as much as I would have like so the group had to take over most of my role. However through my absence I was in constant contact with the group. Communication is â€Å"the process of using verbal and non verbal cues to negotiate a mutually acceptable meaning between two or more people within a particular context and environment†(Lumsden et al, 2004). Communication methods used by the team indicated email involving all members was thought the most efficient method of virtual work enabling clear information flow apparent in modern project management (Martin and Tate, 2001). I feel that we worked well as a team, however unforeseen circumstances contributed to some friction within the group. The group organisation was also poor, due to other assignment commitments we left quite a few things to the last minute, which means people were under pressure, which caused arguments. According to Allen (2009), â€Å"effective teams are well organised, spend time building relationships and have quality communication;†Each person brought something different to the group. From looking at the Belbin tests I can see that two of the team members are suited to be project managers as they scored high in complete finisher, which was highlighted when the report was being written. Another member scored highly on co-ordinator, I feel that this did not shine through. Other aspects of the results from the Belbin test shone through throughout the life of the project. Portraying several aspects of effective teams; sharing a common purpose, bonded together by mutual interdependency, utilisation of individual talents, maintaining a problem solving focus and encouraging one another (Gray and Larson, 2011). Next time I will try to handle situations better. Referring back to Allen (2009) better organisation would prove beneficial; a project plan with a time line would have helped us keep in control of all work. Looking back on the Belbin test there are a lot of traits that I need to work on. I can motivate myself to do work and get on with a task, however working in a group you need the ability to motivate others which I feel I lack. During this group/team work has highlighted many of my strengths and weaknesses. I feel that I have improved on my confidence at meeting new people. This task has also made me more aware of my surroundings. Completing the Belbin and VARK test I can see me preferred learning and my preferred roles, this enables me to work on these traits for future work and references. This has been an experience that if I had a chance to do it again there would be a number of things that I would change, with this being the case it has given me areas that I can work and impro ve on. I hope that the other members of the team have learnt something from me as working with them I have learnt a great deal. References Allen, B. (2009). Study Skills for Business and Management Students. London: McGraw Hill: Open University Press Ambady, N, Skowronski, J J (2008). First impressions. New York: Guilford Publications INC. p18. Bradbury, A (2006). Successful Presentation Skills. 3rd ed. London: Kogan Page. Business Dictionary. (2011) Team definition. Available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/team.html [Accessed on Friday 1st April 2011] Cook, N D. (2002). Tone of voice and mind the connections between intonation, emotion, cognition, and consciousness. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Dewey, J (1933). How We Think. Douglas, T (1971) Basic Groupwork. London: Tavistock Publications.p69 Gray, C.F. Larson, E.W. (2011) Project management: the managerial process. England: McGraw-Hill Irwin (5th Edition) Levin, P Topping, G (2006). Perfect Presentations. Berkshire, England: McGraw Education. p94-95. Lumsden et al (2004) Communicating in groups and teams: sharing leadership. Boston: Wadsworth Martin, P. Tate, K (2001) Getting started in Project Management. John Wiley and Sons: eBook Parker, G. (2008) Team Players and Teamwork: new strategies for developing successful collaboration. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons (2nd Edition) Rogers, R L, Mattu, A, Winters, M (2009). Practical Teaching in Emergency Medicine. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. Sharma, V M (2004). Body Language: The Art of Reading Gestures and Postures. Delhi: Pustak Mahal. p15. Taylor, S (2005). communication for business a practical approach. 4th ed. Essex: Pearson Longman. Wainwright, Gordon (2010). Understand Body Language 2010: Hodder Education 2010. Weiss, A (2003). Getting Started in Consulting. 2nd ed. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. p5-8. How to cite How can reflective writing bring past events back into focus?, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Natural Fruit and Beverage Company and Italian Beverage Company
Background The beverage industry in the United Kingdom is well developed. There are firms that have been in this industry for several years. They have taken a large share of the market. Companies such as Natural Fruit and Beverage Company and Italian Beverage Company are well developed in this market.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Natural Fruit and Beverage Company and Italian Beverage Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They have a deeper understanding of the market and therefore can manipulate market conditions to favor them. This makes the market very competitive. However, apart from all these, a clear gap ought to be filled through creative business idea (Ghemawat 1991, p. 47). The consumers of fruit juice are not fully satisfied in most markets in the United Kingdom. Bigger companies produce their products in mass. However, fruit juices may not take this long. For this reason, these kinds of produc ts have remained popular in the UK market. It is upon this realization that the researcher decided to draw a report that would lead to the establishment of the firm that would operate in this market. The business opportunity Fruit juice is a snack that is very popular among the people of UK. From those on trips or tours to those from or to work, as well as school-going children, fruit juice is a common product. It is popular because it is easy to consume and it is refreshing. A product has a ready market. Competition in the market is not very stiff because major beverage firms have not considered this type of product. Once introduced in the market, sales of the product are assured (Ghemawat 1999, p. 89) The product Description Fruit juice, just as the name suggests, is a juice made from fruits. It is very natural, with no additives. The juices are squeezed from their fruits to make the beverage using a special machine called the blender. The juice is then stored in a cool place but not necessarily under refrigeration.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Customers would be served the product in plastic cups with a straw. No such additives as food color or sugar would be added. The product would be free of any industrial product. It is simple and natural. Novel features and benefits for users This product is pure and natural. It is the best product for anyone who feels thirsty. It is even better than water because it is as natural as water but on top of having 75% water content, it is also rich in vitamins and other nutrients. It does not have chemicals found in cola products or such other related drinks (Oster 1994, p. 67). It is of benefit to one’s health. Medics from all over the world recommend it. Achievement to date The project is yet to be enrolled in the market. However, the team has successfully identified the location where the project wo uld be launched. All members have made their contributions. The team has drawn a proposal that would be presented to donors. Technology development milestones This product does not require sophisticated technology to be successful. It requires simple tools in order to accomplish its production. Although there are new blenders, which are bigger and more efficient, this has not brought a big shift from what has been in use. However, refrigeration advancements have had positive impacts on it. The product is highly perishable and having storage facilities that lower its temperatures not only make the product more durable but also more refreshing. Intellectual property Although this project may not have much in terms of intellectual property, measures have been put in place to impede anyone from implementing its blue print before it enters the market. The business plan would remain an intellectual property of the firm. Opportunities for further development/expansion This project has the capability of advancing to cover other cities not covered in its first phase. The project would start with the London market. Because of the projected sale, it is planned that after one year, it would be rolled out to the city of Manchester.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Natural Fruit and Beverage Company and Italian Beverage Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The market for this product is big and the requirements needed are simple and readily available within the immediate environment. The raw materials used are inexpensive and can be obtained from within the locality (Besanko Dranove 1996, p. 67). To expand production, it may not need much effort. With the market readily available, the project would easily take off in other markets outside the initial one. The Market Market structure The UK market targeted by this project is varied in terms of age, gender, and level of income. The product targets both male and female customers. It also cuts across ages as young, middle aged and the old would find it refreshing. Market trends and drivers The market driver for this product is, among other factors, weather. This market is easily affected by weather (Porter McGahan 2007, p. 41). During hot seasons, the market for this product becomes very large. Many people become attracted to the product because of its refreshing nature. During cold season, sales may drop, as many would prefer other beverages such as tea and coffee. However, health sensitive customers would still come for the product even during this period. The market is learning more on healthy food, a fact that boosts the sales of this product. Market segmentation According to Kanniainen Keuschnigg (2005, p. 74), the easiest way to navigate the market is to segment it according to its similarities and differences. When segmenting the market for this product, demographical characteristics of the targeted market would be giv en emphasis. Although the product is popular across ages, the level of consumption varies according to age. Teenagers and young adults constitute the most attractive segment. In terms of income, middle-income earners constitute the most attractive market segment.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Target markets Key characteristics As stated above, teenagers and young adults constitute the most attractive market segment. Some of the characteristics make the market attractive. One of it is that individuals in this group are spendthrifts. They love leisure and would go for it at all costs within their means. Fruit juice offers them a relaxed feeling when out on a tour or travel. They rarely bargain and most of their payments are always made in cash. These groups like partying. During such parties, it would be easy for the marketing team to secure an order from them to supply the product in such parties. Size and future growth estimates The size of the target market is huge. Within the city of London alone, the number of teenagers and young adults is great. The competition Key competitors Several competitors for this product in London exist. There is a direct and an indirect competition in this market. The indirect competitors are very advanced in this market. The Coca Cola Comp any offers a wide range of products that come as direct substitutes for fruit juice (Amable 2003, p. 56). With brands such as fanta, sprite and cold tea, the company creates a very strong competition in the market. To the health sensitive individuals who want to quench their thirst, this Company comes with its bottled water that is, Dasani. There is also a direct competition from smaller firms offering fruit juices in the same market. Barriers to entry This market operates like a perfect competition market. The government has been keen on encouraging entrepreneurship in the country. Any barrier to new firms wanting to join this industry is eliminated. The only barrier that remains therefore is the market knowledge. There are investors who are keen on entering this market. However, because they lack appropriate knowledge about the market, they prefer to stay away. Though not meant to be a barrier, some investors consider the registration process and charges concerning the same as a b arrier. Our competitive advantage Our firm has a competitive advantage in the market (Porter 1990, p. 66). The product has been proven free of any industrial product. Furthermore, various physicians have recommended due to its health sensitivity policy. To those offering similar products, the product packaging and pricing would be the cutting edge for our product. The product would be sold at a slightly lower price. Our customer care service would be responsive to the needs of customer. Communication would also be enhance to increase this satisfaction. Commercialization Plan Business objectives The project is guided by well-laid objectives. The main objective is to turn the project into a powerhouse in the beverage industry in the UK. In so doing, we hope to be one of the major employers in the kingdom. Overall Business Strategy The project plans to employ an outward in approach in conducting its activities once the project becomes operational. Strategic goals would be laid after ta king into consideration what the market wants (Casper Matraves 2003, p. 1871). Key commercialization milestones The planners of this project have conducted market analysis and have successfully understood market requirements. For the commercialization process, the team has identified a suitable location where it would take place. All relevant stakeholders have been informed. Marketing strategy When introducing the product in the market, the team has planned to offer the product to the market at break-even prices for the first one week. This low price is meant to draw customers to the firm and create a name. After the first week, normal pricing, which would be market friendly, would be adopted. The business would also employ other customer attraction strategies. Production and operations The members will carry out production and general operation. The members would run the project during the initial years. As the firm grows, it is planned that relevant skills would be employed to ma nage production and operations of the firm. Risk analysis In every business venture, there are always some risks that would be faced in the market. One such risk is customer indifference. Because it is a new business unit, some customers may fail to identify it. Market competition in itself is a risk. Management The current members and their roles This project was started by a group of ten high school graduates from different schools within the city of London (Hollingsworth 2000, p. 597). They were motivated by the need to have an income-generating project that would help them be self-reliant. They elected project coordinator, who also doubled as the chairperson of the entire team. He was the team’s representative to the outside world. To help him lead this team, a secretary and a treasurer were also elected. All members have the duty to ensure that activities of the group are operational. All the activities of the firm were to be conducted by members without hiring any indiv idual. Future management needs As the project grows, the current members would consider hiring some external skills, especially in the management. Because the current team has no technical expertise on issues of strategic management, it plans to hire a few graduates in the field of management as the business grows (Porter 1980, p. 56). There would also be the need to hire a few college graduates in food and beverages. They would be bringing their knowledge into the firm so that the firm would be in a position to not only respond to the changing needs of the market but also meet the regulatory procedures put in place by the concerned bodies. Financial projections At the inception level, the major source of finance is expected to be the contributions from the members in form of subscription fees. However, the project is expected to be self-supportive within the fourth month of operation. Further details about the financial projection are given in the appendix below. Key revenue assump tions There are some revenue assumptions that have been made in coming up with the plan for this project. The first assumption that was made was that the project would be self-supporting within its first four months of operations. It is assumed that within this period, the project shall have overcome the initial challenges and would be in a position to break-even within the period (Hall Soskice 2001, p. 35). It is assumed that after the fifth month, the firm would start registering positive returns in its revenues. It was also assumed that the project proposal would be considered for initial funding by the concerned donors. Key expenditure assumptions The team assumed that the expenditure of the project would be within its budget constrain. It is believed that the initial purchase, which would involve purchase of the machines and other required tools, as well as the raw materials to start the project, would take up about forty percent of the total amount that would be available for the project. The project would use the remaining percentage to ensure that daily production needs are catered for (Gompers Lerner 2004, p. 57). The amount that would be obtained from the daily operations would be ploughed back to the project. Sources of finance The sources of finance for this project are divided into three categories. The first category would be funding from the members of the project. From the subscriptions and annual payments, the project would have some amount to further the project. The project hopes to obtain further funding from donors who would consider the project viable and worth investing. Their funding may come in form of grants or loans that would be refunded later (Peteraf 1993, p. 182). The last source of funds would be the proceeds from the business. This is expected to be the main source of finance for the organization in the end. Exit for investors Investors in this project would exit at their own pleasures. However, here are well laid procedures for such members to leave, especially when they need a refund. All the members are assigned a value of shares according to their contributions. This value would increase or decrease, depending on the growth of the firm. When leaving, the member would sell his or her shares to other members. If no member would be willing to buy the value, then the business fraternity would buy it and appropriately refund the leaving partner. Cash Flow Forecast Projected Cash Flow 2013 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Cash Flows from Operating Activity Cash receipts from customers 15,300,000 16,500,000 17,400,000 18,300,000 Cash paid for raw materials -600,000 -620,000 -640,000 -700,000 Cash paid for Direct Labor -2,000,000 -23,000,000 -2,350,000 -2,370,000 Cash paid for Selling, Gen, Adm. Exp. -3,200,000 -3,400,000 -3,400,000 -3,600,000 Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 9,500,000 -10,520,000 11,010,000 11,630,000 Cash flow Flows from Investing Activity Equities issued 3,200,000 0 0 0 Bonds Issued 4,000,000 Equities purchased -1,000,000 0 0 0 Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities 6,200,000 0 0 0 Cash Flow from Financing Activity Interest payments -300,000 -300,000 -300,000 -300,000 Dividends receipts 150,000 160,000 160,000 170,000 Dividends payment -250,000 -270,000 -280,000 -280,000 Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities -400,000 -410,000 -420,000 -410,000 Net Increase in Cash 15,300,000 10,930,000 10,590,000 11,220,000 Beginning of Year Cash Balance 9,200,000 24,500,000 13,570,000 24,160,000 End Year Cash Balance 24,500,000 13,570,000 24,160,000 35,380,000 2014 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 18,900,000 19,800,000 20,700,000 21,600,000 -710,000 -730,000 -760,000 -810,000 -2,400,000 -2,500,000 -3,670,000 -3,700,000 -3,500,000 -3,700,000 -4,200,000 -4,400,000 12,290,000 12,870,000 12,070,000 12,690,000 0 0 0 0 0 -4,000,0 00 0 0 0 -4,000,000 0 0 0 -300,000 -300,000 -300,000 -300,000 200,000 600,000 660,000 750,000 -300,000 (350,00) -350,000 -400,000 -400,000 300,000 10,000 50,000 7,890,000 13,170,000 12,080,000 12,740,000 35,380,000 43,270,000 56,440,000 68,520,000 43,270,000 56,440,000 68,520,000 81,260,000 List of References Amable, B 2003, The Diversity of Modern Capitalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Besanko, D Dranove, D 1996, Economics of Strategy, John Willey Sons, Nueva York. Casper, S Matraves, C 2003, â€Å"Institutional Frameworks and Innovation in the German and UK Pharmaceutical Industry†, Research Policy, Vol. 32, no. 1, pp 1865–1879. Ghemawat, P 1991, Commitment, The Dynamic of Strategy, Free Press, New York. Ghemawat, P 1999, Games Businesses Play: Cases and Models, MIT Press, Cambridge. Gompers, P Lerner, J 2004, The Venture Capital Cycle, MIT Press, Cambridge. Hall, PA Soskice, W 2001, Varieties of Capi talism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Hollingsworth, RJ 2000, â€Å"Doing Institutional Analysis: Implications for the Study of Innovations†, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 7, no. 1, pp 595–644. Kanniainen, V Keuschnigg, C 2005, Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy, MIT Press, Cambridge. Oster, SM 1994, Modern Competitive Analysis, Oxford University Press, Nueva Peteraf, MA 1993, â€Å"The Cornerstone of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View†, Strategic Management Journal, Issue.14, no.1, pp 179-191. Porter, ME 1980, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, The Free Press, London. Porter, ME 1990, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, London, MacMillan Press. Porter, ME McGahan, MA 2007, â€Å"An Interview with Michael Porter†, The Academy of Management Executive, Issue 16, no. 1, pp 2-44. This proposal on Natural Fruit and Beverage Company and Italian Beverage Company was written and submitted by user TrueBel1evers to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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